Wired Nextfest
Zavy and I cruised the LA Convention Center to see Wired's vision of the future. Honestly, it was a little humdrum, and apparently has a lot to do with Google Earth. But here were some of the highlights for us.
There was actually one Casual Game there, The Turtles Madcap Misadventures. Each time the game is purchased a portion of the money will go to the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping seriously ill children and teens and their families.
OQO - The World's Smallest Full-Featured PC On display at Test Drive is the OQO model 02 ultra mobile computer. Weighing just one pound, the OQO model 02 is a full-powered Windows XP/Vista computer that enables complete access to email, Microsoft Office, and all your business applications. This machine impressed us - its actually driving the display next to it. That is until we launched Google Earth...
The Venturi Eclectic was a sort of solar powered coach (the roof is all solar panels) that I liked a lot. It some how can also generate power from wind, but I was unclear as to how that happened. "Innovative and astonishing, Eclectic is much more than a simple vehicle ; it is a production and storage plant for renewable energies, either solar or wind based."
WheelSuff is a fun little machine. I think you get the idea.
There were also a lot of bizarre musical instruments, and lots of cool robots from JPL.