Dark Parables: The Thief and the Tinderbox: Chapter 8 Seals

Dark Parables: The Thief & the Tinderbox Walkthrough has lots of tips & screen shots to solve this mystery.


  • Speak to the king.
  • Insert the gate plates & the air seal to trigger a mini game.
  • Solve the game by matching the symbols through the fog.





  • Insert the fire seal to trigger a mini game.
  • Solve the game by guiding the fire correctly.
  • Insert the earth seal to trigger a mini game.
  • Solve the game by selecting the correct symbols.




  • Insert the water seal to trigger a mini game.
  • Solve the game by arranging the symbols correctly.
  • Congratulations! You have solved the main game of Dark Parables: The Thief & the Tinderbox Collector’s Edition